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Monday, August 06, 2012

The shadow of your smile :-)

First image from Mars Curiosity Rover "hazcam" relayed back to Earth this morning by the Mars Odyssey Orbiter.

How cool is this?  For one who has seen his share of extreme loss and malfunction, the feat proves American exceptionalism is alive and well and living on Mars.

White House Science Adviser John Holdren was also quick to declare victory early this morning: "And if anybody has been harboring doubts about the status of US leadership in space, well there's a one-tonne automobile-sized piece of American ingenuity on ... And it's sitting on the surface of Mars right now and it should certainly put any such doubts to rest."

Before the Obama Administration wraps itself in the Curiosity success and marches onto the campaign trail with it, it bears noting mission model and design for this audacious high-risk mission was written long before the current occupant of the White House moved in.  Originally known as Mars Science Lab, Curiosity was conceived of in 2003 and its critical design review was completed in June, 2007)

All Americans should celebrate this achievement, whether they did as little as Holdren or as little as myself to make it happen.

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