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Thursday, January 26, 2012

The President's Last Supper

President Obama's last State of the Union address to a Joint Session of Congress ran over 65 minutes not including pageantry. It was a painful menu of new dishes combined with reheated leftovers.

Substantively, it was an expensive night out.  The list of new spending proposals was so exhaustive I lost count while trying to estimate and add up their costs.  But no sooner than I approximated another trillion dollars in new US debt, thinking this will never fly, the President offered how he planned to pay for it all.

Cloaked in notions of equity and fairness the long last feast droned on until finally when the check arrived-- tabulating Obama's gluttonous smorgasbord of cocktails, snacks, 3 appetizers, 2 salads, four main courses, a cheese board, dessert trolley, coffee, mints and after-dinner drinks-- whereupon the President belched from having stuffed his face full:  "Don't worry, it's on them."

Never mind the 30% minimum tax proposed for those earning over $1 million can't come close to covering the tab.  Was the State of the Union feast-fest just a "dine and ditch" operation, stiffing the waiter to eat the loss while the President and his party sneak out the back?

Not so, says the President.  He looked around the table and asked everyone to chip in so our kids aren't left with even more debt from previous "dinners."  He turned to those making more than $250,000 to chip in first with higher taxes.  Silence.

And that's when someone at the far end of the table asked the innocent question: "Who ordered all this crap anyway?"

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