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Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Super 8

In Steven Spielberg's sci-fi thriller, Super 8, a chummy band of middle schoolers manage to film evidence of a government alien secret conspiracy run amok.

Coming out of Iowa with an 8-vote margin, Mitt Romney was careful not to claim victory.  The super 8 votes that stood between his gigantic spending spree of a campaign-- not counting millions spent by super-PACs organized by Romney cronies-- and Rick Santorum's low-budget, shoe-leather operation is striking.

Not that Romney is anything extraterrestrial, mind you, he topped-out in Iowa where he had always been-- 25%.  But like the kids who outsmart the Air Force's efforts to keep the alien creature a secret, Rick Santorum has all the same charm and likability of Joel Courtney, who starred in Spielberg's creation.

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